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September 27, 2019

Employee productivity is one of the most critical factors for a business to be successful and profitable. Most people are low in their Vitamin D levels and this can also affect your mood and productivity. Movement and exposure to sun (a great source of Vitamin D) increases happiness, self-esteem, and well-being. In turn, happiness, self-esteem, […]

June 17, 2019

Having a grill is great, but having an outdoor kitchen opens up new possibilities in the world of outdoor cooking. Whether its pizzas in an outdoor oven or smoking whole chickens, you can prepare full meals while entertaining guests and take advantage of all the amenities that are available in today’s grilling Islands. The benefits […]

May 15, 2019

Fortunately, we Duluthians live on a hill and enjoy the beautiful views.  Unfortunately, the views of our yard aren’t always as beautiful, because hillsides are one of the hardest obstetrical to overcome in a landscape. Many of you have probably just given up on the idea of ever having a beautiful and useful hillside landscape, […]

April 15, 2019

Adding curb appeal to your house not only makes it easier to sell, but it also gives your house that nice and finished look in which you can take pride in. Many times landscape improvements are easier and more cost effective than home renovations. These are some of the ways that landscape curb appeal enhances […]

March 15, 2019

The best-designed outdoor spaces serve as extensions of our home, family, and lifestyle. We want our outdoor spaces to truly work as outdoor rooms that are both functional and beautiful! Whether you have a deck, porch, or patio, a fire council or a garden having a space to look at or enjoy in will make your home a more […]