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Blog | Start Planning Your Landscaping Renovations this Winter

Blog | Start Planning Your Landscaping Renovations this Winter

Outdoor landscaping

While there may still be snow on the ground for a while, it doesn’t mean we can’t start thinking about all the projects we want to get done during the warmer months of the year. Depending on the scope of your project, planning for your projects could take some time! So, if you have plans to get your yard landscaped this spring, now is a great time to start getting the project organized.

Keep reading for landscape planning tips!

Tips for planning a landscaping project

Like any other renovation, there are numerous things you’ll need to keep in mind and consider while planning. Here are some of our top tips for planning your landscaping project:

1. Set your landscaping budget

Before you can do any hoping, dreaming, or planning, you need to figure out how much money you want and have to spend on your upcoming project. HGTV notes that your landscaping budget should be 5-10% of your home’s value and that it can increase its value up to 15%! Based on these statistics, you can figure out how much money you have to spend based on your assets and compare it to how much money you should spend. Other budgeting tips include:

  • Finding a professional company to avoid expensive mistakes
  • Communicating your budget to your landscaper
  • Figuring out what you already have and don’t need to purchase 

2. Figure out everything you want to do 

Once you know how much money you have to spend on your landscaping project, you can determine what you’re hoping to accomplish through this renovation. Maybe you’re looking for added privacy, beautiful gardens, functional outdoor kitchens, or a more even yard. Whatever you’re looking to do, take note of it all – the sky’s the limit! In addition to figuring out the features you want to add to your property, you must determine what features need to be updated (e.g. gutter systems, sidewalks, drainage, etc.). Furthermore, you want to focus on ways to increase value to your property as well as the curb appeal of your home, especially if you plan on selling your home one day. 

3. Determine what your highest priorities are

In the event that your budget doesn’t allow for everything you want to do to your property, you’ll need to decide on what your landscaping priorities are. Things that need to be done are going to be a priority over the things you want to have done, but that doesn’t mean they’re the first and only things you get to renovate this spring or summer. You should also go through the list of things you want to include in your landscaping project and determine which of those are most important for you to include. If you need more tips on deciding what you need, want, and can live without, check out this article!

Additionally, what are some things that you can repurpose? Refinishing, refurbishing, and giving new life to items and plants you already have can give your exterior a fresh look on a budget. For example, maybe you already have some nice plants that just need to be cleaned up and relocated or some beautiful stones that simply need to be reset. 

4.  Create your landscaping plan 

After you’ve determined what features you’re going to include in your project, it’s time to start designing it. Where is everything going to go? How is each feature going to compliment each other? What materials are you hoping to use?  While your initial sketch isn’t going to look very professional or maybe even anatomically accurate, it’s still going to be a useful tool that will help you visualize the project that’s going to be underway soon. 

Once you feel good about what your initial plan looks like, you can draw up a more professional-looking plan that you can bring to a contractor. 

5. Choose the right landscaping company for you 

Unless you’re a professional landscaper or the project you’re going to tackle isn’t anything that requires an expert, you’re going to need to find a landscaping company that can get the job done. Here at Miller Creek, we have over 35 years of experience and a team of certified professionals including a ICPI (Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute) Certified Installer, a Licensed Landscape Architect and MDA Licensed Applicators to make your landscaping dreams a reality.

There are so many reasons to renovate the exterior of your home including functionality, utility, curb appeal, increased value, and enjoyment. However, larger projects will take more time and the sooner you can get started the better. For inspiration, check out some of the landscaping projects that we’ve already completed here.

Contact us to talk about how we can help you create the yard of your dreams this summer!